Tuesday 31 March 2020

Arthritis In Dogs

Arthritis is one of the most commonly encountered forms of canine medical conditions. In most cases, it is older dogs that can have problems with arthritis. It is caused by the natural deterioration of joints throughout the process of ageing affecting the overall flexibility of joints. 

For us owners, it's a heartbreaking condition to watch ones much-loved pet, limping and moaning because of the pain. Young dogs can also become troubled by arthritis following significant injuries or accidents. As dog owners, we need to be acquainted with the signs and symptoms as well as the treatment of arthritis in dogs.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

It is important to keep a watchful eye on following symptoms, just in case you notice particular differences in the actions of your dog:

  • Problems experienced when sitting or standing up
  • Loss of appetite
  • Reluctance to go for walks or walking with a stiff gait
  • Persistent licking of the joints
  • Resistance to touch 
  • Swollen and or hot joints

     As a result of pain in its joints, you might find that your dog is sleeping throughout the day. As a result of modern-day researches, there exists an assortment of arthritis medicines for dogs that can help alleviate the joint pain.

Glucosamine for Dog Arthritis

Glucosamine is effective for the treatment of dog arthritis. It is available in a variety of forms, for example, chewable pills, powder, liquid, tablets of different strength, etc.

  • It assists the repair and renewal of worn and damaged cartilage by providing the matrix which is beneficial in the process of regeneration.
  • Glucosamine supplement can be the best supplement for dogs diagnosed with arthritis. It can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis and hip dysplasia.
  • Glucosamine for dogs is supplied in various flavours.  No significant side effects of these supplements have been detected. Glucosamine promotes the restoring process of the damaged cartilage.

Liquid Glucosamine is often considered the best glucosamine for dogs, due to the fact that total absorption of the ingredients is possible. Moreover, you can easily feed it to your dog. The supplement is considered as a safe nutritional supplement. It can help lessen the pain as well as slowing down the progression of arthritis. However, results are not immediate. Time is needed for it to accumulate in the system.
Prior to buying and feeding your dog medicines, it is important to check with your veterinarian or pet nutritionist. Instructions regarding glucosamine dosage needs to be strictly followed by dog owners so one needs to conscientiously adhere to the directions on the labels of the bottles.
Besides the giving of glucosamine, preparing a soft and comfortable bed, nutritious diet, physiotherapy, massage, etc., should be regarded as part of the treatment. Because pets are unable to explain to us what the problem is and how much pain they are encountering, we must attempt to gather as much information as we possibly can, for effective dog care. Overweight dogs are more inclined to suffer the pain of arthritis. So, always be careful with regards to their diet and exercise program of your dog.

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