Tuesday 30 April 2019

Should You Give Your Dog Vitamins?

There are many reasons to give your dog vitamins range from the fact that all dogs have different nutritional requirements to your dogs food not having enough. Even if your dog is on the raw food diet, they still might need additional nutrients depending on their breed sometimes. 

Older dogs especially need vitamin supplements because they are not eating as much food as they used to and could be lacking certain nutrients. So what kind of vitamins do dogs need? Well, it helps to know what each vitamin is for. Vitamin A is for the skin. This might help prevent flaky skin and irritable skin in your dogs. 

Vitamin D is your dogs bone and teeth. Breeds like golden retrievers who are very susceptible to arthritis and hip problems will probably benefit greatly from taking a supplement of vitamin d. Vitamin E is an antioxidant vitamin and Vitamin K is the blood clotting vitamin. You also have vitamin b which is for healthy muscles, skin and blood and then vitamin C which is a vitamin for stress and antioxidant. 

Some people will argue that a good quality pet food will contain all the vitamins and nutrients your dog needs. Others will tell you that is simply not true. The cooking process that some of the pre-made dog foods go through might kill essential nutrients that are needed. While most pet foods will contain the "average" amount of recommended vitamins, they do not provide additional vitamins for protection against diseases. 
Vitamins help regulate your dog's metabolism. Vitamins fall into two categories. One is water soluble (vitamin B and C) which have to be replenished every day. Vitamins A, D, E and K are what's known as fat-soluble vitamins. They are stored in fatty tissue and the liver and do not need to be replenished daily. 

Also included in these supplements are minerals. Minerals keep our dog's body fluids balanced. Your dog needs minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium (just a little) and potassium just like we do. You need to be careful though with minerals because they can affect each other if too much is taken. 

When we talk about vitamins we do not just mean the pills that you can get from your vet. We are also talking about adding certain foods to their diets to make sure they are getting enough vitamins. If you are following the raw food diet, you want to make sure your dog gets a variety of vegetables to keep their vitamin intakes up. 

If you are not giving your dog a vitamin or supplement, take a good long hard look at him. If you see he is losing weight, has skin lesions, or losing his fur he might have a vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is apparent when your dog loses some of his muscle tone. If you notice your dog might have a vitamin deficiency, talk to your vet to find out for sure. Your vet will either suggest that your dog begins to take the necessary vitamin or for you to change his food. 

Most of the time vitamins deficiencies are more common in packaged dog food that you can get from your local supermarket. This is why it is important to read the labels on the dog food you buys if that is your feeding method. You want to make sure it contains all the vitamins your dog needs. If it does not, and you do not feel comfortable going to the raw food diet, talk to your vet about giving your dog vitamin supplements to keep him healthy.


Wednesday 24 April 2019

Why You SHOULD Neuter Your Dog!

Human babies are born all year round - but we humans are exceptional in this respect. Most animals are seasonal breeders. They are only able to breed at certain times of the year, and the result is intermittent population explosions of young animals. Spring/ early summer is the time when most animals are born, which is sensible timing from a survival point of view. The young, growing animal is more likely to thrive during the summer months, with the milder weather and more plentiful food supply.

This seasonal high number of puppies and kittens causes major problems for vet clinics and animal sanctuaries. Their kennels and staff are swamped by the sudden abundance of unwanted young animals. The goal is to always find homes for healthy animals, but this can be almost impossible when ten or twenty new orphans are arriving each week. The dense population of young, unvaccinated animals living together means that there is a constant risk of outbreaks of fatal viral diseases. Everybody who works with animals has seen situations where previously healthy pups or kittens die as a result.

We all do our best to minimize the extent of this problem. Most animal centers keep a list of people looking for kittens or puppies. Many also have names of people who would be willing to foster young animals for a few weeks until homes can be found. As soon as a batch of orphaned or unwanted young animals arrives, efforts are made to rehome them. When homes are found, as part of the commitment to a new pet, owners must agree to have the young animal fully vaccinated and to have then neutered as soon as they are old enough.

However, dealing with the problem as it arises every spring is not the answer. Instead, people who own pets must be made aware of their responsibilities to their animals. If you do not want kittens or puppies, then you must have your pet neutered. If your pet produces young, then you are directly responsible for their welfare. Your pet cannot choose to have itself neutered - you must do it. The neutering operation is painless, and the side effects are minimal. In fact, there are positive effects apart from the removal of breeding ability.

Female dogs who are neutered early in life have a much-reduced incidence of mammary tumors, which are the most common form of malignant cancer to affect older bitches. Neutered male dogs and cats are much less likely to stray away from home or to fight other males.

Some people say it is not 'natural' to neuter an animal, but surely keeping animals in our homes is not 'natural' in the first place. Others say that neutering somehow 'ruins' an animal - but this is nonsense - neutered animals have exactly the same personalities as they did before the operation.

Other folk worry about the cost of neutering. This is something that needs to be seen in perspective, alongside the cost of feeding a pet every day, and buying accessories such as pet beds and toys, etc. The one-off cost of neutering is small when compared to other costs in a pet's lifetime. If you do have serious financial difficulties, there may be a charity-funded discount neutering scheme in your area - ask your local animal rescue center for more information.

If we humans have chosen to share our lives and our homes with animals, then it is our responsibility to look after them properly. And that includes ensuring that they do not produce unwanted young.


Thursday 18 April 2019

Owning a Dog - Tips for First Time Owners

Although a great number of people own dogs, not all of them know how to do so correctly. If you intend to take the responsibility of dog ownership seriously, there are quite a few things you'll need to know. Here are a few useful tips for first time dog owners. 


It is vital that you provide your canine with a safe environment in which to live. Indoor dogs will be in proximity to all sorts of hazards such as electrical cords and objects that they can choke on. Dog-proof your home to the best of your ability, paying particular attention to chemicals that can cause poisoning like household cleaners, antifreeze, etc. 

You should also be aware of the various species of shrubs and plants that are poisonous to dogs. Having any of those around your home is a disaster waiting to happen. Some of the most poisonous plants include tulips, mistletoe, and lilies. 


It's obvious that you will need to feed your dog on a daily basis. The quality of the food he eats will have a direct impact on his health, both now and in the future. It's not always necessary or even best to pay for the most expensive brand of dog food. However, it is important to choose a high-quality brand. 

As a general rule of thumb, you don't want to give your dog too many types of human foods. Some of them can upset his digestive system considerably. Foods like grapes and chocolate can even be fatal for dogs, so you'll definitely want to avoid those. 


Your dog needs exercise on a daily basis. Exercise obviously helps prevent obesity. However, it also offers other benefits such as increasing blood circulation, promoting strong bones, and providing mental stimulation. Running and jogging with your dog are two of the most common ways to meet his daily exercise needs. 

If you like to hike, you should consider bringing your dog along. Dogs can also be adept at swimming. Classes designed for canines are also good for providing exercise. 


When owning a dog, you will also need to set aside time for grooming duties. To keep the hair coat in excellent condition, it will need to be brushed on a regular basis. Breeds with longer hair will need to be groomed much more often, especially if you want to keep hair from ending up all over your home. 

In addition to brushing your dog's hair coat, don't forget to brush his teeth daily as well. Canines can develop oral problems like gum disease and infections just like we can when we don't pay attention to our oral health. Buy toothbrushes and toothpaste designed for dogs; don't use one made for humans. 


Pests such as fleas and ticks can make your dog quite miserable due to constant itching. However, some pests can also lead to health concerns. Combat fleas and ticks using various methods such as collars, shampoo, powder, and monthly medication. Monthly heartworm medication is also a good idea since heartworm disease can be a fatal disease that's easily prevented. 


First time dog owners will need to do research in order to find a quality veterinarian for their pet. Vet appointments should be made on an annual basis to ensure that your dog is in good health. Catching problems as early as possible increases that chances of dealing with them successfully. As dogs get older, it's best that they be seen twice a year. 

Owning a dog is a joyful experience. Keep these tips in mind to help your canine friend will live a long and healthy life.


What Dog Supplements Can Your Canine Pet Benefit From?

It is natural to ask yourself whether you should give your pet dog supplements. They can be quite beneficial especially for canines which are predisposed to certain medical conditions and for the ones approaching old age. Often, vets recommend supplementation for dogs which are fed homemade food rather than specially formulated meals. You should definitely take a look at the most beneficial of vitamins, minerals and other natural compounds which your pet can take. Find out how they will help the dog stay healthy and happy.

Liquid Dog Vitamins

Vitamins C and E are important antioxidants which all canines and especially older ones need. These dog supplements help to reduce inflammation and give the immune system a boost. In older animals, they can help to prevent memory problems. Vitamin A is equally beneficial. It contributes to eye and skin health and plays an important role in energy production. Vitamin B12 is essential for growth and development. Vitamin D helps the animals to have strong bones and teeth.


Iron is important for the overall health of the dog as it plays a role in bringing oxygen to the cells. Potassium supports heart health. Calcium and phosphorous help to make the bones and teeth stronger. Zinc promotes skin health and a shiny coat. Manganese plays a role in the absorption of nutrients while magnesium is needed for the absorption of the vitamins which the animal takes.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Liquid Dog Vitamins

These dog supplements bring several benefits. They are important for health skin and a shiny coat. They promote hearth health. They are beneficial for the nervous system and especially for brain activity. They can come from a variety of sources including fish oil and flaxseed oil.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Liquid Dog Vitamins

These supplements help to maintain the joint cartilage in good condition and to prevent its degeneration. They are highly recommended for aging dogs as these animals are at the highest risk of suffering from joint conditions and arthritis in particular. Pets which already have arthritis usually get glucosamine and chondroitin as part of their treatment. These compounds help to slow down the progression of the disease and to reduce pain and inflammation without side effects.


Liquid Dog Vitamins

These are beneficial bacteria which help to maintain the balance in the gastrointestinal tract. They can help with good digestion. They are effective for preventing and treating diarrhea. They contribute to skin health as well.

Finally, you should give your pet dog supplements only after consulting your vet. The pet doctor will recommend the ones which are beneficial and safe for your dog and determine the optimal dosage.


Wednesday 17 April 2019

A Senior Dog Health Management - Rich Diet, Exercise, Vet Checkups & Supplements

As humans, your dog too ages and it is relatively earlier than a humans age. With age, numerous health issues arise in your dog such as deterioration of skin and coat, loss of muscle mass, digestion issues, obesity, arthritis, dental problems and decreased ability to fight back infections. However, large size dogs experience age-related changes earlier compared to smaller dogs who live longer. This gives us the hint to estimate when it is a time to feed your canine a senior diet food based on the size. 

A standard guideline to follow to determine how dogs age related to their size is: 

· Small breeds or dogs weighing less than 20 pounds - 7 years of age. 
· Medium breeds and dogs weighing 21 to 50 pounds - 7 years of age. 
· Large breeds and dogs weighing 51 to 90 pounds - 6 years of age. 
· Giant breeds and dogs weighing 91 pounds or more - 5 years of age. 

Say no to diets that have a low level of proteins 

Normally, it is believed that as dogs age, they require less amount of proteins. This is far behind the real fact. Senior dogs require as much protein as they were taking previously. Studies have proven that older dogs need to be facilitated with the proper level of proteins, and this does not open gateways to the development or progression of renal failures. It is even crucial to feed senior dogs with optimal levels of easily digestible proteins to help retain good muscle mass. 

Ensure to Provide Low-Calorie Diet 

Senior dogs have been recorded to attain an extra body fat in spite of consuming fewer calories. Due to the age, this change in a body is unstoppable and may be triggered due to reduced energy spending or a sudden change in metabolism. Whatever the reason is, it is paramount to feed a low-calorie diet to avoid every possibility of weight gain and the problems arising due to obesity. However, meeting the proper protein level is important to support in retaining muscle mass. 

Talk to your vet regarding the change of diet of your older dog

Aging can directly affect a dog's intestinal functionality. It can hamper intestinal bacteria, which can surface the symptoms of gastrointestinal infections. When selecting a senior dog diet, ensure it contains FOS (fructooligosaccharides) that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, this invariably helps in proper digestion, preventing any digestive issues. 

Pick foods with a high ratio of vitamin E and Beta-carotene 

Liquid Dog Vitamins

Antioxidants such as vitamin E and beta-carotene help in removing free radicals that can largely damage the tissues of the body and can cause signs of aging. Senior dog diets should contain higher levels of these antioxidant compounds. Good amount of antioxidants is responsible for increasing the effectiveness of the immune power in older dogs. 

Stick to Consistency 

Never be inconsistent when it comes to a routine care of geriatric pets. Along with consistent daily routine, timely veterinary examinations should be involved to diagnose the presence or progress of a chronic disease. Stressful situations and abrupt changes in daily routines should be shunned. In case, you are looking to make a drastic change in your older pet's routine, remember to put it on a gradual scale. 

Liquid Glucosamine (Vegetarian)

In a nutshell, senior dogs undergo a variety of physiological changes along with psychological changes. To tackle these changes, it is advisable to follow the right diet that is recommended for older dogs. Two things to care - their weight and agility. Your elder dogs need not only proper diet and optimal weight but also regular health checkups at a vet office. Not limited to this, the care should be extended in adding the nutritional supplements to aid their physical health. Well, taking proper care of your older dog, you can help them pass their golden years happily. 

Liquid Glucosamine for Small Dogs

As your Dog ages, it would be prudent to speak with your veterinarian to find out if giving your dog a vitamin supplement or a supplement to help with any joint problems it may be experiencing would be beneficial. 


Tuesday 16 April 2019

Dog Supplements for Dog Health

Dogs are deserving of our appreciation and care. Just like human beings need good food with vitamin supplements to be healthy and strong, our dogs also need good nutrition including vitamins and minerals. Various dog food companies have been advertising their inclusion of dog supplements for good health. With the recent scares of bad dog food from foreign sources, pet owners have been cautious and naturally want to be certain that the food they provide will promote good health. 
Liquid Dog Vitamins

Just like humans, certain vitamin supplements create conditions to improve areas of the body. There are formulations that provide support for the hip and joints by way of anti-inflammatory therapy. The combination of Glucoasamine, Chondroitin, Clucosmine Methylsulfonlmethane (MSM), and Vitamin C are believed to help dogs from developing osteoarthritis along with other hip and joint problems. Veterinarians and Scientists who specialize in animal nutrition have formulated some of these ingredients, although some of the same ingredients are formulated for humans. There are many aspects of the human body that are similar to animals of all kinds. 
Liquid Dog Vitamins
Vitamins are good for dogs of all ages. The combination of supplements may vary but the need is still there regardless of the condition or age of the dog. If the food being used does not have adequate nutrition supplements can be administered by pill or added to the food in liquid form. A very good way to combine training and treats is to reward the dog for good behavior with vitamin wafers, which the dog takes as a treat. Many supplements are to be administered daily, but it is prudent to read the companies directions carefully before use. 

Liquid Dog Vitamins

Just as it is with doctors who practice human medical care, Veterinarians are primarily trained to use medicines after an illness or injury has taken hold. Some may understand preventative care and suggest a series of vitamins to address particular dogs problems. Strengthening the immune system or joint structure system of a dog before it deteriorates is always the best way to care for a pet. 

Dog supplements are readily available through online providers. The internet is the way to find more information on a company and the claims they are making. There are ways to check out the products and services that often have professional advisers giving information. A dog has a special place in the heart of an owner. Showing that you care is going to be noticed and a healthy dog will be able to show appreciation for many years.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Dog-Supplements-for-Dog-Health&id=5683525

Dog Walking Etiquette

There is no guidebook or specific rules about how you should walk your dog. But similarly to how you should behave in a public setting, there is a dog walking etiquette. So here is a couple of things you should and/or shouldn't do while taking your companion.

Control your pet.

There are different levels of control you can exercise on your pet. While walking you should not let you dog walk-up to random people unless they say it is okay to do so. Some people are allergic and others are afraid of dogs. Controlling your dog also means that it does not walk-up to other dogs. Some dogs do not tolerate stranger dogs, or are just afraid and intimated which could result in aggressive behavior. To avoid losing control on your pooch, keep him or her on a short leash especially in crowded environments. A longer lead may be used for more remote walking areas such as trails or parks. Always, keep your dog on the leash unless at the park or in a fenced area. You never know what or who might come out from behind the next bush. This is a safety precaution. Prevent your dog from barking too much. It is relatively okay once or twice but constant barking is a noise nuisance to the neighborhood.

Pick-up after your dog!

This may seem like the most obvious one out there, but there are way too many dog owners that do not pick-up after their dog goes to the bathroom. Be courteous to other owners and pets. No one wants to see, smell or step into what your pooch has left behind. A reason why there are only a limited number of beaches that allow dogs, is that people are not picking up. Go out prepared and always carry bags with you to pick up after your pet. This allows for a clean environment at all times.

Know the limits of your dog.

Each dog and dog breed is different. Know how far your pooch can go. Choose the appropriate weather and terrain to keep both you and your dog comfortable. If you are training or conditioning your dog, make sure you do your research or consult an expert to provide only the best. Studying your pet's behavior can help determine what type of environment is best.

There are three main dog walking etiquettes out there. Apply control over your pet when outside. Pick-up after your dog if he or she leaves a mess. Finally, make sure you know how far your dog can go. Overall, walking your dog should be a fun, relaxing, and enjoyable experience for both pet and owner.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Dog-Walking-Etiquette&id=9934384

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Preparing for Your Dog for the Training Sessions

Train your dog to serve your needs.

Thinking about getting a dog? Do you want to have a better-behaved dog? Do you desire to have a dog who server your needs instead of you serving its needs? The easiest way to achieve this is by enrolling in dog training classes led by an expert, but these may be expensive for some people. Today I'll like to give you some good tips so you can start training your dog. Nowadays, many techniques and tactics exist for training your dog, it's important that you do research and discover which ones work best for you and your dog.

Preparing for Dog Training.

1) Choose a dog that fits your lifestyle.

The dog species is considered the most varied among all animals. This is because centuries of breeding happened. Every breed is different, not any dog will fit your lifestyle. To illustrate this, if you're a person who likes to read a lot, a Jack Russell Terrier is not a good selection for your dog. These dogs are barking constantly and possess enormous amounts of energy. A bulldog may fit your needs instead. They prefer to cuddle on the couch the whole day. Do some research first about the dog breeds personalities and care requirements as well. Ask people you know with a dog, about how their breeds are.

The majority of dogs live 10 to 15 years at the most, thus having a dog is considered a long-term commitment. Also, the breed's temperament is a key factor, you need to make sure it matches your lifestyle. In case you don't have a family of your own yet, take into account you'll have kids around your place for the next ten years. Notice some breeds are not good for households with kids.

2) Don't get an aspirational dog.

Being honest with yourself about how compatible a dog may be for your lifestyle is crucial. Forget about getting a dog that requires to be active the whole day, so because you are looking for a reason to get a healthier lifestyle, adding this jumpstart element. In case you cannot keep the pace of your dog's energy, both of you will be frustrated. Take a piece of paper and write down the needs and temperament, both, you and your dog will require. If in this process you realize it will take too much time and effort for the switch to happen, then pick a different breed.

3) Give your dog a practical name.

Your dog needs to learn his/her name fast and easy because that will help you hold his attention during the dog training process. The name you give your dog has to be clear, hard and strong sounds the dog can recognize easily. Use the dog's name as much as possible, when: you are petting him, training him, playing with him, etc. The moment you discover your dog learned his/her name is when you say his/her name and it looks at you. Creating a positive association with the name is a very good practice, that way the dog will focus on you every time you say that name. Give him/her treats when he/she responds to the name.

4) Schedule enough time for training.

Prepare your dog training session for a maximum of 20 minutes twice per day. For the case of puppies, you need to understand they have a short attention span and also they get bored very easily, thus you may need a little more time in that case. Another interesting aspect you need to have in mind, is that the training happened during the day every time you're interacting with your dog. He learns any kind of action you do while interacting with him/her. This is important to understand because a dog's bad behavior occurs when owners let dogs do whatever they want, including bad behavior, outside the training sessions.

5) Prepare your mental state for training sessions.

Be calm and neural the moment you're doing the training sessions with your dog. Agitation and excitement, on your side, will certainly affect the outcome of the training session. You need to reinforce the good behavior of your dog and not reinforce the bad one, that's what you have to keep in mind all the time. It requires a lot of determination and also conviction to produce a very good trained dog.

6) Choose the proper equipment.

To start, you'll need a six-foot leash and also a flat collar and also treats. Any other special equipment should be approved by a certified dog training, so consult one before adding another element to your dog training sessions.