Friday 24 May 2019

What Is the Best Glucosamine for Dogs?

When it comes down to treating the painful symptoms of arthritis in your dog you have to make an educated decision for the best way to cure the pain, inflammation and limited mobility that arthritis causes. Often times people ask what is the best glucosamine for dogs. The answer is not just a straight forward, point to the shelf and say "Product X" is the one you want.

Many pet store employees would have you believe that it is that simple, however there are several items you need to consider. Starting with your dog's health...

  • How old is your dog? 
  • What stage of arthritis is your dog experiencing? Minor discomfort - Extreme pain. 
  • Is your dog overweight? 
  • Does your dog have allergies to shellfish? 
  • Can your dog handle taking pills or would liquid / powder be an easier approach?

Choosing the best glucosamine for your dog isn't rocket science, you just need to be aware of your pets needs and then you also need to be aware of the various choices of products and their ingredients. There are many brands of glucosamine on the market so choosing the best one is often a case of trial and error.
Liquid Glucosamine for Dogs Vegetarian
(suitable for dogs allergic to shellfish)

These are the points you must look for when choosing a glucosamine product: 
Liquid or pill form what will your dog most likely accept easily? 
Size of dosage depending on weight your dog may require higher doses 
Product type - what are the base ingredients shellfish, vegetarian or meat? 
Other ingredients fillers, binders, color additives and the list goes on. 
Cost once you start the treatment you must continue for the life of the dog or the debilitation and degeneration will reappear.

Once you know the facts about the glucosamine products and their ingredients you can now determine which one is the best glucosamine for your dog. Glucosamine is one of many arthritis remedies that exist in the market place. There are also alternatives to glucosamine that can provide cures for arthritis in your dog.

Liquid Glucosamine for Dogs Vegetarian

Since glucosamine is naturally occurring in the dog's body it is usually easily absorbed and digested. However, even the best of glucosamines can have adverse side effects. Most are minor inconveniences for you and your dog. Side effects can include vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes lack of appetite are some of the most common. With a little patience, research and good old fashioned determination you can find the best glucosamine for your dog.
Liquid Glucosamine for Small Dogs

Dogs just like people deserve the best that life has to offer. Proper nutrition is a key element in providing your dog with the best quality of life and mobility.


Tuesday 21 May 2019

Dog Glucosamine Helps Ease the Pain of Joint Arthritis

If your canine shows symptoms he or she is suffering from joint issues, liquid dog glucosamine has been very much proven to be an effective and very safe alternative for treating arthritis problems in older canines. 

Not only are glucosamine supplements highly effective and safe, but are also very inexpensive compared to prescription medications often prescribed by veterinarians to treat joint problems. It's important for pet owners to understand how to use dog glucosamine properly and what to expect from the products. 

Liquid Glucosamine for Dogs

Although they are dangerous, many prescription medications act very quickly in helping to alleviate the pain associated with canine osteoarthritis. This effectiveness often arrives at a very high cost however. 

There are many dangerous side effects, some of them have even proven to be lethal in some dogs, which has shown to be associated with dogs taking these medications. Additionally, most of these prescribed medicines do not offer any rebuilding or regeneration within the joint; they simply act in masking the pain and offering temporary relief to the canine. 

Liquid Glucosamine for Dogs

Perhaps the greatest benefit of dog glucosamine is that it offers relief by generating new joint tissue which acts to cushion the joint and thus prevents the pain associated with the onset of canine arthritis. The downside to using this product is that the good effects are not always immediately seen. 

It may take several weeks or even months before the benefits of glucosamine for dogs is seen. This again, it's because the glucosamine does not mask or hide the pain; it works in regenerating damaged joint tissues caused by the joint arthritis disease. 

Another great benefit of canine liquid glucosamine is how easy it is to administer to the animal. Instead of having to deal with capsules and tablets as many prescription medications are, the glucosamine for dogs can simply be poured over their dog food at meal time.

Liquid Glucosamine for Dogs

This is much simpler than having to force the animal to take capsules and pills. It can often be seen to find capsules or pills on the floor later as the dog was able to spit them out. This is not a problem at all when using liquid dog glucosamine. 

If natural supplements do not work after a significant amount of time it is important to return to your veterinarian for other treatment options. If they suggest using prescribed products for treating your dog's arthritis, make certain to discuss with the vet the possible side effects and the symptoms you should be watching for while giving the dog these drugs. If any adverse side effects are noticed, halt giving the products to your dog right away and ask for your vet's advice immediately. 

Liquid Glocosamine for Small Dogs

In no situation should these dangerous products be the first attempted treatment for canines suffering from osteoarthritis. It makes no sense to bypass the potentially safe and highly effective supplement products like liquid dog glucosamine without trying them first. 

If the products are in fact seen to be helpful, your canine will have the benefits of lower pain and much healthier joints for the remainder of their life. On the other hand, if the drugs with side effects are used, owners will always have to be on the lookout for any developing side effects that could be harmful or even fatal to their four-legged friends.


Sunday 12 May 2019

Can My Dog Really Benefit From Dog Vitamins?

Many dog owners are under the impression that proper diet and enough exercise should be sufficient to keep their dog healthy. While it is certainly true that commercial dog foods have greatly improved digestibility and nutritional value when compared to pet foods of years past, vitamin supplements are an important component of your dog's health. Like humans, dogs can live a longer, happier life as a result of the health benefits that vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants provide. 

Vitamins for are a critical measure for dogs, just as they are for people. More veterinarians and dog lovers than ever recognize that the key to pet health is a strong, healthy immune system and the prevention of premature aging and illness. Dog vitamins are a powerful tool that can help your pet lead a longer, happier life. 

Liquid Dog Vitamins

Dog vitamins are beneficial for a number of important reasons. First, certain antioxidants fight against the free radicals that can damage cells to cause cancer. Certain vitamins also aid in bolstering specific body systems to slow the physical deterioration that comes with aging. These effects include diminished eye sight, a compromised immune system, and weakened bones and cartilage. 

Liquid Dog Vitamins

Research suggests that vitamin supplements can have a significant positive impact on a dog's life span. What's more, the data shows that you'll see the greatest results if you start your dog on a vitamin supplementation program while he is still young. Dogs who received vitamins supplements from the time they were puppies have been shown to experience greater health, and suffer fewer illnesses throughout their lives. 

When you're ready to select a vitamin supplement for your dog, it's important to consider his individual needs. For example, puppies have needs that are much different from those of elderly dogs. Likewise, dogs who are active versus those who are not will also have distinct needs. Take some time to discuss your dog's condition with your vet, and explore individual ingredients in the supplement that you are considering. You should also pick a supplement with no fillers or other artificial ingredients; natural is best when it comes to your pet's health. 
Liquid Dog Vitamins

A good supplement will include, at a minimum, vitamin A to fight free radicals; B complex vitamins for a healthy immune system, improved liver function, red blood cell production, antibody formation, and healthy eyes, mouth, skin, and coat; and vitamin C for improved immune function. Other helpful nutrients include glucosamine, chondroitin, and Omega fatty acids. These help rebuild cartilage, keep your dog's skin healthy, and maintain a lustrous, shiny coat. 

Often, pet owners notice an improvement in their dog's health within weeks of beginning supplementation. Some things you may notice are increased energy and a healthier, thicker coat. But, most of the benefits of dog vitamin supplements happen over the long term as you spend less on vet bills, and most importantly, get to spend more quality time with a pet who'll live a long life, as happy and pain free as possible. 
Liquid Dog Vitamins

Improve your dog's health by starting him on a vitamin supplement regimen. It will pay off in fewer visits to the vet, and in the quality time you spend with your pet. Your dog will appreciate it! 


Saturday 11 May 2019


Dogs can sometimes be plenty of work. We all love our dogs, however being confident that they will obtain the most from their lives takes a great deal more thought than one might consider to begin with. Continuing to keep your dog well and correctly fed, observing its wellness, as well as continuing to keep him or her physically and mentally active are a few of the fundamental things we must take into account when planing to look after our four-legged friends. 


It’s vital that your pet dog is fed quality food that provides the correct balance of nutrition applicable to its specific period of life (you will notice that there are distinct foods designed for large, small, puppy, adult dogs, etc.). 

Dogs are inclined to overeat and to bloat, therefore it is recommended to give food to your dog two times a day and never an excessive amount at one time. Additionally it is crucial to always keep clean fresh drinking water available for your dog at all times. 

The giving of bones to your dog from time to time is ideal for their dental health, so long as the meat is of a high quality, the bone is large enough to prevent it being swallowed whole by the dog, and that it is raw. Never on ant account give your dog a cooked bone, as it is possible for them to break and splinter - causing intestinal damage or choking. Don’t overdo it on the bones either; ensure that, the normal food continues to be basis of your dog’s healthy diet. 


It is essential that you have your dog vaccinated early on in its life for the health and well being of both your pet as well as those around him or her. Listed below are some of the more common health problems that will need a vaccination: 

• Canine parvovirus - an extremely infectious and potentially deadly viral gastroenteritis which induces vomiting and diarrhea 

• Canine distemper - an incredibly contagious health problem with symptoms which include conjunctivitis, convulsive seizures, and spinal cord damage. It should be noted that Canine distemper can also be transferred to humans, and even though this causes no symptoms or issues in humans, you could still act as a carrier to other pets. 

• Canine infectious hepatitis - a result of canine adenovirus, this is a severe liver infection that can cause fever, depression, loss of appetite, coughing, jaundice, vomiting as well as death. 

• Canine cough - a disease caused by bacteria and a virus, resulting in a hacking and distressing cough. Even though it could be transferred to humans, it is really quite unlikely except in cases where the human has a weakened immune system. 

It’s equally important to give worm and flea-prevention drugs to your dog routinely, whilst keeping up regular appointments with the veterinarian - who is able to accurately keep track of your pooch’s health and wellbeing each and every phase of it's life. 


The training of your dog is an important component of continuing to keep them happy and nicely socialized. Continual training gives mental stimulation, as well as the physical stimulation he or she should get every day from exercise. 

Reward based training is recommended, simply because yelling at dogs every time they do something incorrectly can easily unintentionally strengthen unfavorable behaviors if it is misinterpreted as just providing them with attention. 

Include an organized training plan while they are young, and proceed with mental tasks as they grow older.